坂井 南美 / Nami Sakai

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1993.03 国立学園小学校卒 / Kunitachi-Gakuen Elementary School : Finished
1996.03 桜蔭学園中学校卒 / Oin Junior High School : Finished
1999.03 桜蔭学園高校卒 / Oin Senior High School : Finished
2004.03 早稲田大学理工学部物理学科卒 / B.S. Department of Physics, Waseda University
2006.03 東京大学大学院理学系研究科・物理学専攻・修士課程修了 / M.S. Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo
2007.04 日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC2) / JSPS Research Fellow for Doctoral course student (DC2)
2008.09 東京大学大学院理学系研究科・物理学専攻・博士課程修了 / Ph.D. Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo
2008.10 同機関助教 / Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo
2015.04 理化学研究所・准主任研究員 / Associate Chief Scientist, RIKEN
2017.04- 理化学研究所・主任研究員 / Chief Scientist, RIKEN - 2021.06- 天文学振興財団理事 / Executive Board Member, Foundation for Promotion of Astronomy in Japan
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- 学会: 日本天文学会・日本化学会・分子科学会・国際天文学連合(IAU)
- Society:Astronomical Society of Japan, Chemical Society of Japan, Japan Society for Molecular Science, International Astronomical Union (IAU)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - 委員会:
- 日本学術会議連携会員 (2020-)
- 国立天文台運営会議委員 (2020-)
- ALMA Science Advisory Committee (ASAC)
- ALMA科学諮問委員会 (JSAC:副議長)
- ngVLA Science Advisory Council (2017-)(ngVLASAC)
- 国立天文台科学戦略委員会委員 (FY2019-FY2020)
- 宇宙電波懇談会 (FY2016-FY2019,FY2018-2019:委員長)
- 日本学術会議電気電子工学委員会URSI分科会小委員会委員(FY2016-FY2019)
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- 著書/Books:
- 1.国立天文台「ALMA2Project-アルマ望遠鏡が切り拓く2020年代の科学のフロンティア」第3章、第4章
- 2. 日本評論社 日本物理学会編
"宇宙の物質はどのようにできたのか 素粒子から生命へ" 第6章
3. 日本評論社 福井康雄編
"スーパー望遠鏡「アルマ」が見た宇宙" 第4章
受賞・表彰/Awards: - 1. 2020年 ソロプチミスト日本財団 女性研究者賞
- 2. 2020年 第2回輝く女性研究者賞(ジュン アシダ賞)
- 3. 2018年 科学技術への顕著な貢献2018 (ナイスステップな研究者)
- 文部科学省 科学技術・学術政策研究所
- 4. 2013年 日本天文学会研究奨励賞
5. 2009年 第26回井上研究奨励賞 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
査読論文 / Refereed Papers
a. 査読責任著者論文 / Corresponding Author
23) Nami Sakai, Tomoyuki Hanawa, Yichen Zhang, Aya E. Higuchi, Satoshi Ohashi, Yoko Oya, and Satoshi Yamamoto, " A warped disk around an infant protostar", Nature 565, 206-208, Jan. 2019
22) Tatsuya Soma, *Nami Sakai, Yoshimasa Watanabe, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Complex Organic Molecules in Taurus Molecular Cloud-1”, Astrophys. J., 854, 116, Feb. 2018
21) Nami Sakai, Yoko Oya, Aya E. Higuchi, Yuri Aikawa, Tomoyuki Hanawa, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Bertrand Lefloch, Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Takeshi Sakai, Tomoya Hirota, Emmanuel Caux, Charlotte Vastel, Claudine Kahane, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Vertical Structure of the Transition Zone from Infalling Envelope to Disc in the Class 0 Protostar, IRAS 04368+2557”, Mon Not R Astron Soc, 467, L76-L80, May 2017
20) Nami Sakai, Yoko Oya, Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Takeshi Sakai, Tomoya Hirota, Yuri Aikawa, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Bertrand Lefoch, Emmanuel Caux, Charlotte Vastel, Claudine Kahane, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Subarcsecond Analysis of Infalling-Rotating Envelope around the Class I Protostar IRAS 04365+2535”, Astrophys. J., 820, L34, Apr. 2016
19) Nami Sakai, Yoko Oya, Takeshi Sakai, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Tomoya Hirota, Cecillia Ceccarelli, Claudine Kahane, Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, Bertrand Lefloch, Charlotte Vastel, Sandrine Bottinelli, Emmanuel Caux, Audrey Coutens, Yuri Aikawa, Shigehisa Takakuwa, Nagayoshi Ohashi, His-Wei Yen, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “A Chemical View of Protostellar-Disk Formation in L1527”, Astrophys. J., 791, L38, Aug. 2014
18) Nami Sakai, Takeshi Sakai, Tomoya Hirota, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Claudine Kahane, Sandrine Bottinelli, Emmanuel Caux, Karine Demyk, charlotte Vastel, Audrey Cautens, Vianney Taquet, Nagayoshi Ohashi, Shigehisa Takakuwa, His-Wei Yen, Yuri Aikawa, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Change in the Chemical Composition of Infalling Gas Forming a Disk around a Protostar”, Nature, 507, 78-80, Mar. 2014
17) Nami Sakai and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Warm Carbon-Chain Chemistry”, Chem. Rev.,113, 8981-9015, Dec. 2013
16) Nami Sakai, Shuro Takano, Takeshi Sakai, Shoichi Shiba, Yoshihiro Sumiyoshi, Yasuki Endo, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Anomalous 13C Isotope Abundances in C3S and C4H Observed toward the Cold Interstellar Cloud, Taurus Molecular Cloud-1”, J. Phys. Chem., 117, 9831-9839, Oct. 2013
15) Nami Sakai, Yancy L. Shirley, Takeshi Sakai, Tomoya Hirota, Yoshimasa Watanabe, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Tentative Detection of Deuterated Methane toward the Low-Mass Protostar IRAS 04368+2557 in L1527”, Astrophys. J., 758, L4, Oct. 2012
14) Nami Sakai, Hiroyuki Maezawa, Takeshi Sakai, Karl M. Menten, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “CH Radio Emission from Heiles Cloud 2 as a Tracer of Molecular Cloud Evolution”, Astron. Astrophys., 546, A103, Oct. 2012
13) Nami Sakai, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Sandrine Bottinelli, Takeshi Sakai, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Distributions of CH3OH in NGC1333IRAS4B”, Astrophys. J.,754, 70, Jul. 2012
12) Nami Sakai, Takeshi Sakai, Tomoya Hirota, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Distributions of Carbon-Chain Molecules in L1527”, Astrophys. J., 722, 1633-1643, Oct. 2010
11) Nami Sakai, Tatsuya Shiino, Tomoya Hirota, Takeshi Sakai, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Long Carbon-Chain Molecules and Their Anions in the Starless Core, LUPUS-1A”, Astrophys. J.,718, L49-L52, Aug. 2010
10) Nami Sakai, Osamu Saruwatari, Takeshi Sakai, Shuro Takano, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Abundance Anomaly of the 13C Species of CCH”, Astron. Astrophys., 512, A31, Mar. 2010
9) Nami Sakai, Takeshi Sakai, Tomoya Hirota, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Deuterated Molecules in Warn Carbon Chain Chemistry: The L1527 Case”, Astrophys. J.,702, 1025-1035., Sept. 2009
8) Nami Sakai, Takeshi Sakai, Tomoya Hirota, Michael Burton, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Discovery of the Second Warm Carbon-Chain-Chemistry Source, IRAS15398-3359 in Lupus”, Astrophys. J., 697, 769-786. May 2009
7) Nami Sakai, Takeshi Sakai, Yuri Aikawa, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Detection of HCO2+ toward the Low-Mass Protostar IRAS04368+2557 in L1527”, Astrophys. J., 677, L75, Apr. 2008
6) Nami Sakai, Takeshi Sakai, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Tentative Detection of C4H- toward the Low-Mass Protostar IRAS04368+2557 in L1527”, Astrophys. J., 673, L71-L74., Jan. 2008
5) Nami Sakai, Takeshi Sakai, Tomoya Hirota, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Abundant Carbon-Chain Molecules toward the Low-Mass Protostar IRAS04368+2557 in L1527”, Astrophys. J., 672, 371-381, Jan. 2008
4) Nami Sakai, Takeshi Sakai, Yoshihiro Osamura, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Detection of C6H- toward the Low-Mass Protostar IRAS04368+2557 in L1527”, Astrophys. J., 667, L65-L68., Sept. 2007
3) Nami Sakai, Masafumi Ikeda, Masaru, Morita, Takeshi Sakai, Shuro Takano, Yoshihiro Osamura, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Production Pathways of CCS and CCCS Inferred from Their 13C ISOTPPIC Species”, Astrophys. J., 663, 1174-1179, Jul. 2007
2) Nami Sakai, Takeshi Sakai, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Methyl Format in the NGC 2264 IRS 1 Region” Astrophys. J., 660, 363-369, May 2007
1) Nami Sakai, Takeshi Sakai, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Detection of HCOOCH3 toward a Low-Mass Protostar, NGC 1333 IRAS 4B”, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 58, L15-L19., Feb. 2006
b. 査読共著論文 / Co-Author
Works on Astronomy
120) M. J. Maureira, J. E. Pineda, H. B. Liu, L. Testi, D. Segura-Cox, C. Chandler, D. Johnstone, P. Caselli, G. Sabatini, Y. Aikawa, E. Bianchi, C. Codella, N. Cuello, D. Fedele, R. Friesen, L. Loinard, L. Podio, C. Ceccarelli, N. Sakai, and S. Yamamoto, “FAUST: XVIII. Evidence of annular substructure in a very young Class 0 disk”, Astron. Astrophys., 689, L5(11pp), Sept. 2024
119) L. Podio, C. Ceccarelli, C. Codella, G. Sabatini, D. Segura-Cox, N. Balucani, A. Rimola, P. Ugliengo, C. J. Chandler, N. Sakai, B. Svoboda, J. Pineda, M. De Simone, E. Bianchi, P. Caselli, A. Isella, Y. Aikawa, M. Bouvier, E. Caux, L. Chahine, S. B. Charnley, N. Cuello, F. Dulieu, L. Evans, D. Fedele, S. Feng, F. Fontani, T. Hama, T. Hanawa, E. Herbst, T. Hirota, I. Jiménez-Serra, D. Johnstone, B. Lefloch, R. Le Gal, L. Loinard, H. Baobab Liu, A. López-Sepulcre, L. T. Maud, M. J. Maureira, F. Menard, A. Miotello, G. Moellenbrock, H. Nomura, Y. Oba, S. Ohashi, Y. Okoda, Y. Oya, T. Sakai, Y. Shirley, L. Testi, C. Vastel, S. Viti, N. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe, Y. Zhang, Z. E. Zhang, and S. Yamamoto, “FAUST. XVII. Super deuteration in the planet-forming system IRS 63 where the streamer strikes the disk”, Astron. Astrophys., 688, L22(13pp), Aug. 2024
118) M. De Simone, L. Podio, L. Chahine, C. Codella, C. J. Chandler, C. Ceccarelli, A. López-Sepulcre, L. Loinard, B. Svoboda, N. Sakai, D. Johnstone, F. Ménard, Y. Aikawa, M. Bouvier, G. Sabatini, A. Miotello, C. Vastel, N. Cuello, E. Bianchi, P. Caselli, E. Caux, T. Hanawa, E. Herbst, D. Segura-Cox, Z. Zhang, and S. Yamamoto, “FAUST. XV. A disc wind mapped by CH₃OH and SiO in the inner 300 au of the NGC 1333 IRAS 4A2 protostar”, Astron. Astrophys., 686, L13(pp.12), Jun. 2024
117) Layal Chahine, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Marta De Simone, Claire J. Chandler, Claudio Codella, Linda Podio, Ana López-Sepulcre, Nami Sakai, Laurent Loinard, Mathilde Bouvier, Paola Caselli, Charlotte Vastel, Eleonora Bianchi, Nicolás Cuello, Francesco Fontani, Doug Johnstone, Giovanni Sabatini, Tomoyuki Hanawa, Ziwei E. Zhang, Yuri Aikawa, Gemma Busquet, Emmanuel Caux, Aurore Durán, Eric Herbst, François Ménard, Dominique Segura-Cox, Brian Svoboda, Nadia Balucani, Steven Charnley, François Dulieu, Lucy Evans, Davide Fedele, Siyi Feng, Tetsuya Hama, Tomoya Hirota, Andrea Isella, Izaskun Jímenez-Serra, Bertrand Lefloch, Luke T. Maud, María José. Maureira, Anna Miotello, George Moellenbrock, Hideko Nomura, Yasuhiro Oba, Satoshi Ohashi, Yuki Okoda, Yoko Oya, Jaime Pineda, Albert Rimola, Takeshi Sakai, Yancy Shirley, Leonardo Testi, Serene Viti, Naoki Watanabe, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Yichen Zhang, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Multiple chemical tracers finally unveil the intricate NGC 1333 IRAS 4A outflow system. FAUST XVI”, Mon Not R Astron Soc., 531(pp. 2653-2668), May 2024
116) Ziwei E. Zhang, Nami Sakai, Satoshi Ohashi, Nadia M. Murillo, Claire J. Chandler, Brian Svoboda, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Claudio Codella, Luca Cacciapuoti, Ross O’Donoghue, Serena Viti, Yuri Aikawa, Eleonora Bianchi, Paola Caselli, Steven Charnley, Tomoyuki Hanawa, Izaskun Jímenez-Serra, Hauyu Baobab Liu, Laurent Loinard, Yoko Oya, Linda Podio, Giovanni Sabatini, Charlotte Giovanni, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “FAUST. XIV. Probing the Flared Disk in L1527 with Sulfur-bearing Molecules”, Astrophys., J., 966, 207(9pp), May 2024
115) G. Sabatini, L. Podio, C. Codella, Y. Watanabe, M. De Simone, E. Bianchi, C. Ceccarelli, C. J. Chandler, N. Sakai, B. Svoboda, L. Testi, Y. Aikawa, N. Balucani, M. Bouvier, P. Caselli, E. Caux, L. Chahine, S. Charnley, N. Cuello, F. Dulieu, L. Evans, D. Fedele, S. Feng, F. Fontani, T. Hama, T. Hanawa, E. Herbst, T. Hirota, A. Isella, I. Jímenez-Serra, D. Johnstone, B. Lefloch, R. Le Gal, L. Loinard, H. B. Liu, A. López-Sepulcre, L. T. Maud, M. J. Maureira, F. Menard, A. Miotello, G. Moellenbrock, H. Nomura, Y. Oba, S. Ohashi, Y. Okoda, Y. Oya, J. Pineda, A. Rimola, T. Sakai, D. Segura-Cox, Y. Shirley, C. Vastel, S. Viti, N. Watanabe, Y. Zhang, Z. E. Zhang, and S. Yamamoto, “FAUST. XIII. Dusty cavity and molecular shock driven by IRS7B in the Corona Australis cluster”, Astron. Astrophys., 684, L12(12pp), Apr. 2024
114) C. Vastel, T. Sakai, C. Ceccarelli, I. Jiménez-Serra, F. Alves, N. Balucani, E. Bianchi, M. Bouvier, P. Caselli, C. J. Chandler, S. Charnley, C. Codella, M. De Simone, F. Dulieu, L. Evans, F. Fontani, B. Lefloch, L. Loinard, F. Menard, L. Podio, G. Sabatini, N. Sakai, and S. Yamamoto, “FAUST. XI. Enhancement of the complex organic material in the shocked matter surrounding the [BHB2007] 11 protobinary system”, Astron. Astrophys., 684, A189(16pp.), Apr. 2024
113) C. Codella, L. Podio, M. De Simone, C. Ceccarelli, S. Ohashi, C. J. Chandler, N. Sakai, J. E. Pineda, D. M. Segura-Cox, E. Bianchi, N. Cuello, A. López-Sepulcre, D. Fedele, P. Caselli, S. Charnley, D. Johnstone, Z. E. Zhang, M. J. Maureira, Y. Zhang, G. Sabatini, B. Svoboda, I. Jiménez-Serra, L. Loinard, S. Mercimek, N. Murillo, and S. Yamamoto, “FAUST XII. Accretion streamers and jets in the VLA 1623–2417 protocluster”, Mon Not R Astron Soc., 528(pp7383-7396), Mar. 2024
112) Shogo Tachibana, and Nami Sakai, "Organics from the Sample Return Mission Hayabusa2 and their Implication for Understanding our Origins", Elements, 20(pp.31-37), Feb. 2024
111) Yoshihide Yamato, Shota Notsu, Yuri Aikawa, Yuki Okoda, Hideko Nomura, and Nami Sakai, “Chemistry of Complex Organic Molecules in the V883 Ori Disk Revealed by ALMA Band 3 Observations”, Astron., J., 167, 66(32pp), Jan. 2024
110) Shoji Mori, Yuri Aikawa, Yoko Oya, Satoshi Yamamoto, and Nami Sakai, “Synthetic Observations of the Infalling Rotating Envelope: Links between the Physical Structure and Observational Features”, Astrophys., J., 961, 31(17pp), Jan. 2024
109) Takahiro Oyama, Yuki Ohno, Akemi Tamanai, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Satoshi Yamamoto, Takeshi Sakai, Shaoshan Zeng, Riouhei Nakatani, and Nami Sakai, “Laboratory Measurement of CH₂DOH Line Intensities in the Millimeter-wave Region”, Astrophys., J., 957, 4(13pp), Nov. 2023
108) Lucy Evans, Charlotte Vastel, Francisco Fontani, Jaime Pineda, Izaskun Jimenez-Serra, Felipe Alves, Takeshi Sakai, Mathilde Bouvier, Paola Caselli, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Claire Chandler, Brian Svoboda, Luke Maud, Claudio Codella, Nami Sakai, Romane Le Gal, Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, George Moellenbrock, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “FAUST. X. Formaldehyde in the protobinary system [BHB2007] 11: Small-scale deuteration, Astron. Astrophys., 678, A160(16pp), Oct. 2023
107) E. Artur de la Villarmois, V. V. Guzmán, Y.-L. Yang, Y. Zhang, and N. Sakai, “The Perseus ALMA Chemical Survey (PEACHES). III. Sulfur-bearing species tracing accretion and ejection processes in young protostars”, Astron. Astrophys., 678, A124(31pp), Oct. 2023
106) Satoshi Ohashi, Munetake Momose, Akimasa Kataoka, Aya E. Higuchi, Takashi Tsukagoshi, Takahiro Ueda, Claudio Codella, Lina Podio, Tomoyuki Hanawa, Nami Sakai, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Satoshi Okuzumi, and Hidekazu Tanaka, “Dust Enrichment and Grain Growth in a Smooth Disk around the DG Tau Protostar Revealed by ALMA Triple Bands Frequency Observations”, Astrophys., J., 954, 110(23pp), Aug. 2023
105) L. Cacciapuoti, E. Macias, A. J. Maury, C. J. Chandler, N. Sakai, L. Tychoniec, S. Viti, A. Natta, M. De Simone, A. Miotello, C. Codella, C. Ceccarelli, L. Podio, D. Fedele, D. Johnstone, Y. Shirley, B. J. Liu, E. Bianchi, Z. E. Zhang, J. Pineda, L. Loinard, F. Ménard, U. Lebreuilly, R. S. Klessen, P. Hennebelle, S. Molinari, L. Testi, and S. Yamamoto, “FAUST. IX. Multiband, multiscale dust study of L1527 IRS. Evidence for variations in dust properties within the envelope of a class 0/I young stellar object”, Astron. Astrophys., 676, A4(18pp), Jul. 2023
104) S. Mercimek, L. Podio, C. Codella, L. Chahine, A. Lopez-Sepulcre, S. Ohashi, L. Loinard, D. Johnstone, F. Menard, N. Cuello, P. Caselli, J. Zamponi, Y. Aikawa, E. Bianchi, G. Busquet, J. E. Pineda, M. Bouvier, M. De Simone, Y. Zhang, N. Sakai, C. J. Chandler, C. Ceccarelli, F. Alves, A. Duran, D. Fedele, N. Murillo, I. Jimenez-Serra, and S. Yamamoto, “FAUST – VIII. The protostellar disc of VLA 1623-2417W and its streamers imaged by ALMA”, Mon Not R Astron Soc., 522(pp.2384-2392), Jun. 2023
103) Yuki Okoda, Yoko Oya, Logan Francis, Doug Johnstone, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Claudio Codella, Claire J. Chandler, Nami Sakai, Yuri Aikawa, Felipe O. Alves, Eric Herbst, Maria Jose Maureira, Mathilde Bouvier, Paola Caselli, Spandan Choudhury, Marta De Simone, Izaskun Jimenez-Serra, Jaime Pineda, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “FUAST. VII. Detection of a Hot Corino in the Prototypical Warm Carbon-chain Chemistry Source IRAS 15398-3359”, Astrophys., J., 948, 127(11pp), May 2023
102) Ziwei E. Zhang, Yao-Lun Yang, Yichen Zhang, Erin G. Cox, Shaoshan Zeng, Nadia M. Murillo, Satoshi Ohashi, and Nami Sakai, “The Perseus ALMA Chemistry Survey (PEACHES). II. Sulfur-bearing Species and Dust Polarization Revealing Shocked Regions in Protostars in the Perseus Molecular Cloud”, Astrophys., J., 946, 113(16pp), Apr. 2023
101) Yao-Lun Yang, Joel D. Green, Klaus M. Pontoppidan, Jennifer B. Bergner, L. Ilsedore Cleeves, Neal J. Evans II, Robin T. Garrod, Mihwa Jin, Chul Hwan Kim, Jaeyeong Kim, Jeong-Eun Lee, Nami Sakai, Christopher N. Shingledecker, Brielle Shope, John J. Tobin, and Ewine van Dishoeck, “CORINOS I: JWST/MIRI Spectroscopy and Imaging of a Class 0 Protostar IRAS 15398-3359”, Astrophys., J., Lett., 941, L13(16pp), Dec. 2022
100) E. Artur de la Villarmois, V. V. Guzman, J. K. Jorgensen, L. E. Kristensen, E. A. Bergin, D. Harsono, N. Sakai, E. F. van Dishoeck, and S. Yamamoto, “Physical properties of accretion shocks toward the Class I protostellar system Oph-IRS 44”, Astron. Astrophys., 667, A20(15pp), Nov. 2022
99) L. Chahine, A. Lopez-Sepulcre, L. Podio, C. Codella, R. Neri, S. Mercimek, M. De Simone, P. Caselli, C. Ceccarelli, M. Bouvier, N. Sakai, F. Fontani, S. Yamamoto, F. O. Alves, V. Lattanzi, L. Evans, and C. Favre, “OMC-2 FIR 4 under the microscope: Shocks, filaments, and a highly collimated jet at 100 au scales”, Astron. Astrophys., 667, A6(18pp), Oct. 2022
98) C. Codella, A. Lopez-Sepulcre, S. Ohashi, C. J. Chandler, M. De Simone, L. Podio, C. Ceccarelli, N. Sakai, F. Alves, A. Duran, D. Fedele, L. Loinard, S. Mercimek, N. Murillo, Y. Zhang, E. Bianchi, M. Bouvier, G. Busquet, P. Caselli, F. Dulieu, S. Feng, T. Hanawa, D. Johnstone, B. Lefloch, L. T. Maud, G. Moellenbrock, Y. Oya, B. Svoboda, and S. Yamamoto, “FAUST VI. VLA1623-2417 B: a new laboratory for astrochemistry around protostars on 50 au scale”, Mon Not R Astron Soc., 515(pp.543-554), Sept. 2022
97) C. Vastel, F. Alves, C. Ceccarelli, M. Bouvier, I. Jimenez-Serra, T. Sakai, P. Caselli, L. Evans, F. Fontani, R. Le Gal, C. J. Chandler, B. Svoboda, L. Maud, C. Codella, N. Sakai, A. Lopez-Sepulcre, G. Moellenbrock, Y. Aikawa, N. Balucani, E. Bianchi, G. Busquet, E. Caux, S. Charnley, N. Cuello, M. De Simone, F. Dulieu, A. Duran, D. Fedele, S. Feng, L. Francis, T. Hama, T. Hanawa, E. Herbst, T. Hirota, M. Imai, A. Isella, D. Johnstone, B. Lefloch, L. Loinard, M. Maureira, N. M. Murillo, S. Mercimek, S. Mori, F. Menard, A. Miotello, R. Nakatani, H. Nomura, Y. Oba, S. Ohashi, Y. Okoda, J. Ospina-Zamudio, Y. Oya, J. E. Pineda, L. Podio, A. imola, D. Segura Cox, Y. Shirley, L. Testi, S. Viti, N. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe, A. Witzel, C. Xue, Y. Zhang, B. Zhao, and S. Yamamoto, “FAUST V. Hot methanol in the [BHB2007] 11 protobinary system; hot corino versus shock origin”, Astron. Astrophys., 664, A171(17pp), Aug. 2022
96) Yichen Zhang, Kei E. I. Tanaka, Jonathan C. Tan, Yao-Lun Yang, Eva Greco, Maria T. Beltrán, Nami Sakai, James M. De Buizer, Viviana Rosero, Rubén, and Guido Garay Guido, “Massive Protostars in a Protocluster—A Multi-scale ALMA View of G35.20-0.74N”, Astrophys., J., 936, 68(28pp), Aug. 2022
95) Marta De Simone, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Claudio Codella, Brian E. Svoboda, Claire J. Chandler, Mathilde Bouvier, Satoshi Yamamoto, Nami Sakai, Yao-Lun Yang, Paola Caselli, Bertrand Lefloch, Hauyu Baobab Liu, Ana López-Sepulcre, Laurent Loinard, Jaime E. Pineda, and Leonardo Testi, “Tracking the Ice Mantle History in the Solar-type Protostars of NGC 1333 IRAS 4”, Astrophys. J. Lett., 935, L14, Aug. 2022
94) Yuki Okoda, Yoko Oya, Muneaki Imai, Nami Sakai, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, Kazuya Saigo, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Chemical Differentiation and Temperature Distribution on a Few au Scale around the Protostellar Source B335”, Astrophys., J., 935, 136(20pp), Aug. 2022
93) Satoshi Ohashi, Riouhei Nakatani, Hauyu Baobab Liu, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Yichen Zhang, Tomoyuki Hanawa, and Nami Sakai, “Formation of Dust Clumps with Sub-Jupiter Mass and Cold Shadowed Region in Gravitationally Unstable Disk around Class 0/I Protostar in L1527 IRS”, Astrophys., J., 934, 163(17pp), Aug. 2022
92) Muneaki Imai, Yoko Oya, Brian Svoboda, Hauyu Baobab Liu, Bertrand Lefloch, Serena Viti, Yichen Zhang, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Claudio Codella, Claire J. Chandler, Nami Sakai, Yuri Aikawa, Felipe O. Alves Felip, Nadia Balucani, Eleonora Bianchi, Mathilde Bouvier, Gemma Busquet, Paola Caselli, Emmanuel Caux, Steven Charnley, Spandan Choudhury, Nicolas Cuello, Marta De Simone, Francois Dulieu, Aurora Duran, Lucy Evans, Cecile Favre, Davide Fedele, Siyi Feng, Francesco Fontani, Logan Francis, Tetsuya Hama, Tomoyuki Hanawa, Eric Herbst, Shingo Hirano, Tomoya Hirota, Andrea Isella, Izaskun Jimenez-Serra, Doug Johnstone, Claudine Kahane, Romane Le Gal, Laurent Loinard, Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, Luke T. Maud, Maria Jose Maureira, Francois Menard, Seyma Mercimek, Anna Miotello, George Moellenbrock, Shoji Mori, Nadia M. Murillo, Riouhei Nakatani, Hideko Nomura, Yasuhiro Oba, Ross O'Donoghue, Satoshi Ohashi, Yuki Okoda, Juan Ospina-Zamudio, Jaime Pineda, Linda Podio, Albert Rimola, Takeshi Sakai, Dominique Segura-Cox, Yancy Shirley, Vianney Taquet, Leonardo Testi, Charlotte Vastel, Naoki Watanabe, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Arezu Witzel, Ci Xue, Bo Zhao, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Chemical and Physical Characterization of the Isolated Protostellar Source CB68: FAUST IV”, Astrophys., J., 934, 70(18pp), Jul. 2022
91) Satoshi Ohashi, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Jinshi Sai, and Nami Sakai, “No Evidence of the Significant Grain Growth but Tentative Discovery of Disk Substructure in a Disk around the Class I Protostar L1489 IRS”, Astrophys., J., 933, 23(7pp), Jun. 2022
90) Tomoyuki Hanawa, Nami Sakai, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Cloudlet Capture Model for Asymmetric Molecular Emission Lines Observed in TMC-1A with ALMA”, Astrophys., J., 932, 122(14pp), Jun. 2022
89) A. de A. Schutzer, P. R. Rivera-Ortiz, B. Lefloch, A. Gusdorf, C. Favre, D. Segura-Cox, A. Lopez-Sepulcre, R. Neri, J. Ospina-Zamudio, M. De Simone, C. Codella, S. Viti, L. Podio, J. Pineda, R. O'Donoghue, C. Ceccarelli, P. Caselli, F. Alves, R. Bachiller, N. Balucani, E. Bianchi, L. Bizzocchi, S. Bottinelli, E. Caux, A. Chacon-Tanarro, F. Dulieu, J. Enrique-Romero, F. Fontani, S. Feng, J. Holdship, I. Jimenez-Serra, A. Jaber Al-Edhari, C. Kahane, V. Lattanzi, Y. Oya, A. Punanova, A. Rimola, N. Sakai, S. Spezzano, I. R. Sims, V, Taquet, L. Testi, P. Theule, P. Ugliengo, C. Vastel, A. I. Vasyunin, F. Vazart, S. Yamamoto, and A. Witzel, “SOLIS XVI. Mass ejection and time variability in protostellar outflows: Cep E”, Astron. Astrophys., 662, A104(13pp), Jun. 2022
88) E. Bianchi, C. Ceccarelli, C. Codella, A. Lopez-Sepulcre, S. Yamamoto, N. Balucani, P. Caselli, L. Podio, R. Neri, R. Bachiller, C. Favre, F. Fontani, B. Lefloch, N. Sakai, and D. Segura-Cox, “SOLIS XV. CH3CN deuteration in the SVS13-A Class I hot corino”, Astron. Astrophys., 662, A103(18pp), Jun. 2022
87)Martijn L. van Gelder, Pooneh Nazari, Benoît Tabone, Aida Ahmadi, Ewine F. van Dishoeck , Maria T. Beltrán, Gary A. Fuller, Nami Sakai, Álvaro Sánchez-Monge, Peter Schilke, Yao-Lun Yang, and Yichen Zhang, “Importance of source structure on complex organics emission. I. Observations of CH3OH from low-mass to high-mass protostars”, Astron. Astrophys., 662, A67(22pp), Jun. 2022
86) Yuki Ohno, Takahiro Oyama, Akemi Tamanai, Shaoshan Zeng, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Riouhei Nakatani, Takeshi Sakai, and Nami Sakai, “Laboratory Measurement of Millimeter-wave Transitions of (CH2DOH)-C-13 for Astronomical Use”, Astrophys. J., 932, 101(8pp), Jun. 2022
85) Mathilde Bouvier, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Ana López-Sepulcre, Nami Sakai, Satoshi Yamamoto, and Yao-Lun Yang, “ORANGES II. The chemical nature of Orion protostars: Are ORANGES different from PEACHES?”, Astrophys. J., 929, 10(13pp), Apr. 2022
84) Satoshi Ohashi, Claudio Codella, Nami Sakai, Chaire J. Chandler, Cecillia Ceccarelli, Felipe Alves, Davide Fedele, Tomoyuki Hanawa, Aurora Duran, Cecile Favre, Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, Laurent Loinard, Seyma Mercimek, Nadia M. Murillo, Linda Podio, Yichen Zhang, Yuri Aikawa, Nadia Balucani, Eleonora Bianchi, Mathilde Bouvier, Gemma Busquet, Paola Caselli, Emmanuel Caux, Steven Charnley, Spandan Choudhury, Nicolas Cuello, Marta De Simone, Francois Dulieu, Lucy Evans, Siyi Feng, Francesco Fontani, Logan Francis, Tetsuya Hama, Eric Herbst, Shingo Hirano, Tomoya Hirota, Muneaki Imai, Andrea Isella, Izaskun Jimenez-Serra, Doug Johnstone, Claudine Kahane, Romane Le Gal, Bertrand Lefloch, Luke T. Maud, Maria Jose Maureira, Francois Menard, Anna Miotello, George Moellenbrock, Shoji Mori, Riouhei Nakatani, Hideko Nomura, Yasuhiro Oba, Ross O’Donoghue, Yuki Okoda, Juan Ospina-Zamudio, Yoko Oya, Jaime Pineda, Albert Rimola, Takeshi Sakai, Dominique Segura-Cox, Yancy Shirley, Brian Svoboda, Vianney Taquet, Leonardo Testi, Charlotte Vastel, Serena Viti, Naoki Watanabe, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Arezu Witzel, Ci Xue, Bo Zhao, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Misaligned Rotations of the Envelope, Outflow, and Disks in the Multiple Protostellar System of VLA 1623-2417: FAUST. III”, Astrophys. J., 927, 54(22pp), Mar. 2022
83) Takeshi Sakai, Patricio Sanhueza, Kenji Furuya, Ken’ichi Tatematsu, Shanghuo Li, Yuri Aikawa, Xing Lu, Qizhou Zhang, Kaho Morii, Fumitaka Nakamura, Hideaki Takemura, Natsuko Izumi, Tomoya Hirota, Andrea Silva, Andres E. Guzman, Nami Sakai, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “The ALMA Survey of 70 μm Dark High-mass Clumps in Early Stages (ASHES). V. Deuterated Molecules in the 70 μm Dark IRDC G14.492-00.139”, Astrophys. J., 925, 144(16pp), Feb. 2022
82) L. Chahine, A. Lopez-Sepulcre, R. Neri, C. Ceccarelli, S. Mercimek, C. Codella, M. Bouvier, E. Bianchi, C. Favre, L. Podio, F. O. Alves, N. Sakai, and S. Yamamoto, “Organic chemistry in the protosolar analogue HOPS-108: Environment matters”, Astron. Astrophys., 657, A78(18pp), Jan. 2022
81) C. Codella, C. Ceccarelli, C. Chandler, N. Sakai, and S. Yamamoto, “Enlightening the chemistry of infalling envelopes and accretion disks around Sun-like protostars: the ALMA FAUST project”, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 8, 227, Dec. 2021
80) C. Codella, E. Bianchi, L. Podio, S. Mercimek, C. Ceccarelli, A. Lopez-Sepulcre, R. Bachiller, P. Caselli, N. Sakai, R. Neri, F. Fontani, C. Favre, N. Balucani, B. Lefloch, S. Viti, and S. Yamamoto, "SOLIS. XII. SVS13-A Class I chemical complexity as revealed by S-bearing species", Astron. Astrophys., 654, A52(22pp), Oct. 2021
79) M. Bouvier, A. Lopez-Sepulcre, C. Ceccarelli, N. Sakai, S. Yamamoto, and Y. –L. Yang, “ORion Alma New GEneration Survey (ORANGES). I. Dust continuum and free-free emission of OMC-2/3 filament protostars”, Astron. Astrophys., 653, A117(29pp), Sept. 2021
78) Yoshiki Shibayama, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Yoko Oya, Nami Sakai, Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, Sheng-Yuan Liu, Yu-Nung Su, Yichen Zhang, Takeshi Sakai, Tomoya Hirota, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Exploring the 100 au Scale Structure of the Protobinary System NGC 2264 CMM3 with ALMA”, Astrophys. J., 918, 32(16pp), Sept. 2021
77) Yoshimasa Watanabe, Yutaro Chiba, Takeshi Sakai, Akemi Tamanai, Rikako Suzuki, and Nami Sakai, “Spectrometer Using superconductor MIxer Receiver (SUMIRE) for laboratory submillimeter spectroscopy”, PASJ, 73, pp.372-393, Apr. 2021
76) Yao-Lun Yang, Nami Sakai, Yichen Zhang, Nadia M. Murillo, Ziwei E. Zhang, Aya E. Higuchi, Shaoshan Zeng, Ana López-Sepulcre, Satoshi Yamamoto, Bertrand Lefloch, Mathilde Bouvier, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Tomoya Hirota, Muneaki Imai, Yoko Oya, Takeshi Sakai, and Yoshimasa Watanabe, “The Perseus ALMA Chemistry Survey (PEACHES). I. The Complex Organic Molecules in Perseus Embedded Protostars”, Astrophys. J., 910, 20(38pp), Mar. 2021
75) Yuki Okoda, Yoko Oya, Logan Francis, Doug Johnstone, Shu-ichiro Inutsuka, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Claudio Codella, Claire Chandler, Nami Sakai, Yuri Aikawa, Felipe O. Alves, Nadia Balucani, Eleonora Bianchi, Mathilde Bouvier, Paola Caselli, Emmanuel Caux, Steven Charnley, Spandan Choudhury, Marta De Simone, Francois Dulieu, Aurora Duran, Lucy Evans, Cecile Favre, Davide Fedele, Siyi Feng, Francesco Fontani, Tetsuya Hama, Tomoyuki Hanawa, Eric Herbst, Tomoya Hirota, Muneaki Imai, Andrea Isella, Izaskun Jimenez-Serra, Claudine Kahane, Bertrand Lefloch, Laurent Loinard, Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, Luke T. Maud, Maria Jose Maureira, Francois Menard, Seyma Mercimek, Anna Miotello, George Moellenbrock, Shoji Mori, Nadia M. Murillo, Riouhei Nakatani, Hideko Nomura, Yasuhiro Oba, Ross O'Donoghue, Satoshi Ohashi, Juan Ospina-Zamudio, Jaime E. Pineda, Linda Podio, Albert Rimola, Takeshi Sakai, Dominique Segura Cox, Yancy Shirley, Brian Svoboda, Vianney Taquet, Leonardo Testi, Charlotte Vastel, Serena Viti, Naoki Watanabe, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Arezu Witzel, Ci Xue, Yichen Zhang, Bo Zhao, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “FAUST II. Discovery of a Secondary Outflow in IRAS 15398-3359: Variability in Outflow Direction during the Earliest Stage of Star Formation?”, Astrophys. J., 910, 11(13pp), Mar. 2021
74) Satoshi Ohashi, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Riouhei Nakatani, Satoshi Okuzumi, Hidekazu Tanaka, Koji Murakawa, Yichen Zhang, Hauyu Baobab Liu, and Nami Sakai, “Ring Formation by Coagulation of Dust Aggregates in the Early Phase of Disk Evolution around a Protostar, Astrophys. J., 907, 80 (12pp), Feb. 2021
73) Yuji Ebisawa, Nami Sakai, Karl M. Menten, Yoko Oya, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Temperature Structure of the Pipe Nebula Studied by the Intensity Anomaly of the OH 18 cm Transition”, Astrophys. J., 904, 136 (13 pp), Dec. 2020
72) E. Bianchi, C. J. Chandler, C. Ceccarelli, C. Codella, N. Sakai, A. López-Sepulcre, L. T. Maud, G. Moellenbrock, B. Svoboda, Y. Watanabe, T. Sakai, F. Ménard, Y. Aikawa, F. Alves, N. Balucani, M. Bourvier, P. Caselli, E. Caux, S. Charnley, S. Choudhury, M. De Simone, F. Dulieu, A. Durán, L. Evans, C. Favre, D. Fedele, S. Feng, F. Fontani, L. Francis, T. Hama, T. Hanawa, E. Herbst, T. Hirota, M. Imai, A. Isella, I. Jiménez-Serra, D. Johnstone, C. Kahane, B. Lefloch, L. Loinard, M. J. Maureira, S. Mercimek, A. Miotello, S. Mori, R. Nakatani, H. Nomura, Y. Oba, S. Ohashi, Y. Okoda, J. Ospina-Zamudio, Y. Oya, J. Pineda, L. Podio, A. Rimola, D. Segura Cox, Y. Shirley, V. Taquet, L. Testi, C. Vastel, S. Viti, N. Watanabe, A. Witzel, C. Xue, Y. Zhang, B. Zhao, and S. Yamamoto, “FAUST I. The hot corino at the heart of the prototypical Class I protostar L1551 IRS5”, Mon Not R Astron Soc. Lett., 498, L87-L92, Oct. 2020
71) Yuki Okoda, Yoko Oya, Nami Sakai, Yoshimasa Watanabe, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Molecular Distributions of the Protostellar Envelope and the Outflow of IRAS 15398-3359: Principal Component Analysis”, Astrophys. J., 900, 40 (20 pp), Sept. 2020
70) Yuri Aikawa, Kenji Furuya, Satoshi Yamamoto, and Nami Sakai, “Chemical Variation among Protostellar Cores: Dependence on Prestellar Core Conditions”, Astrophys. J., 897, id.110, Jul. 2020
69) Marta De Simone, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Claudio Codella, Brian E. Svoboda, Claire Chandler, Mathilde Bouvier, Satoshi Yamamoto, Nami Sakai, Paola Caselli, Cecile Favre, Laurent Loinard, Bertrand Lefloch, Hauyu Baobab Liu, Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, Jaime E. Pineda, Vianney Taquet, and Leonardo Testi, “Hot Corinos Chemical Diversity: Myth or Reality?”, Astrophys. J. Lett., 896, L3 (8 pp), Jun. 2020
68) Riouhei Nakatani, Hauyu Baobab Liu, Satoshi Ohashi, Yichen Zhang, Tomoyuki Hanawa, Claire Chandler, Yoko Oya, and Nami Sakai, “Substructure Formation in a Protostellar Disk of L1527 IRS”, Astrophys. J. Lett., 895, L2 (12 pp), May 2020
67) M. Bouvier, A. Lopez-Sepulcre, C. Ceccarelli, C. Kahane, M. Imai, N. Sakai, S. Yamamoto, and P. J. Dagdigian, “Hunting for hot corinos and WCCC sources in the OMC-2/3 filament”, Astron. Astrophys., 636, A19, Apr. 2020
66) Takashi Shimonishi, Ankan Das, Nami Sakai, Kei E. I. Tanaka, Yuri Aikawa, Takeshi Onaka, Yoshimasa Watanabe, and Yuri Nishimura, “Chemistry and Physics of a Low-metallicity Hot Core in the Large Magellanic Cloud”, Astrophys. J., 891, 164, Mar. 2020
65) Kento Yoshida, Nami Sakai, Yuri Nishimura, Tomoya Tokudome, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Takeshi Sakai, Shuro Takano, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “An unbiased spectral line survey observation toward the low-mass star-forming region L1527”, PASJ, 71, S18, Dec. 2019
64) Aya E. Higuchi, Kazuya Saigo, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Kazunari Iwasaki, Munetake Momose, Kang Lou Soon, Nami Sakai, Masanobu Kunitomo, Daisuke Ishihara, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “First Subarcsecond Submillimeter-wave [C i] Image of 49 Ceti with ALMA”, Astrophys. J., 883, 180, Oct. 2019
63) Yoko Oya, Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, Nami Sakai, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Aya E. Higuchi, Tomoya Hirota, Yuri Aikawa, Takeshi Sakai, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Bertrand Lefloch, and Emmanuel Caux, Charl, “Sulfur-bearing Species Tracing the Disk/Envelope System in the Class I Protostellar Source Elias 29”, Astrophys. J., 881, 112, Aug. 2019
62) E. Artur de la Villarmois, J. K. Jorgensen, L. E. Kristensen, E. A. Bergin, D. Harsono, N. Sakai, E. F. van Dishoeck, and S. Yamamoto, “Physical and chemical fingerprint of protostellar disc formation”, Astron. Astrophys., 626, A71, Jun. 2019
61) Yoshimasa Watanabe, Yuri Nishimura, Kazuo Sorai, Nami Sakai, Nario Kuno, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “A 3 mm Spectral Line Survey toward the Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 3627”, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser., 242, 26, Jun. 2019
60) Shogo Tachibana, Takafumi Kamizuka, Tomoya Hirota, Nami Sakai, Yoko Oya, Aki Takigawa, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Spatial Distribution of AIO in a High-mass Protostar Candidate Orion Source I”, Astrophys. J. Lett., 875, L29, Apr. 2019
59) Muneaki Imai, Yoko Oya, Nami Sakai, Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, Yoshimasa Watanabe, and Satoshi Yamamoto, " Unveiling a Few Astronomical Unit Scale Rotation Structure aroud the Protostar in B335 ", Astrophys. J. Lett., 873, L21, Mar. 2019
58) Yichen Zhang, Jonathan C. Tan, Nami Sakai, KEi E. I. Tanaka, James M. De Buizer, Mengyao Liu, Maria T. Beltran, Kaitlin Kratter, Diego Mardones, and Guido Garay, "An Ordered Envelope-Disk Transition in the Massive Protostellar Source G339.88-1.26", Astrophys. J., 873, 73, Mar. 2019
57) Nanase Harada, Yuri Nishimura, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Satoshi Yamamoto, Yuri Aikawa, Nami Sakai, and Takashi Shimonishi, "Molecular-cloud-scale Chemical Composition. III. Constraints of Average Physical Properties through Chemical Models", Astrophys. J., 871, 238, Feb. 2019
56) Yuji Ebisawa, Nami Sakai, Karl M. Menten, and Satoshi Yamamoto, "The Effect of Far-infrared Radiation on the Hyperfine Anomaly of the OH 18cm Transition", Astrophys. J., 871, 89, Jan. 20 2019
55) Eric J. Murphy, Alberto Bolatto, Shami Chatterjee, Caitlin M. Casey, Laura Chomiuk, Daniel Dale, Imke de Pater, Mark Dickinson, James Di Francesco, Gregg Hallinan, Andrea Isella, Kotaro Kohno, S. R. Kulkarni, Cornelia Lang, T. Joseph W. Lazio, Adam K. Leroy, Laurent Loinard, Thomas J. Maccarone, Brenda C. Matthews, Rachel A. Osten, Mark J. Reid, Dominik Riechers, Nami Sakai, Fabian Walter, and David Wilner, "The ngVLA Science Case and Associated Science Requirements", Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) Monograph series, ISBN:978-1-58381-919-7, Dec. 2018
54) Muneaki Imai Nami Sakai, Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, Aya E. Higuchi, Yichen Zhang Yoko Oya, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Takeshi Sakai, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Bertrand Lefloch, and Satoshi Yamaoto, " Deuterium Fractionation Survey Toward Protostellar Sources in the Perseus Molecular Cloud: HNC Case", The Astrophys. J., 869, 51, Dec. 2018
53) Yuki Okoda, Yoko Oya, Nami Sakai, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Jes K. Jørgensen, Ewine F. Van Dishoeck, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “The Co-evolution of Disks and Stars in Embedded Stages: The Case of the Very-low-mass Protostar IRAS 15398─3359”, Astrophys. J. Lett., 864, L25, Sept. 2018
52) Yichen Zhang, Aya E. Higuchi, Nami Sakai, Yoko Oya, Ana López-Sepulcre, Muneaki Imai, Takeshi Sakai, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Bertrand Lefloch, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Rotation in the NGC 1333 IRAS 4C Outflow”, Astrophys. J., 864, 76, Sept. 2018
51) Yoko Oya, Nami Sakai, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Bertrand Lefloch, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Sub-arcsecond Kinematic Structure of the Outflow in the Vicinity of the Protostar in L483”, Astrophys. J., 863, 72, Aug. 2018
50) Takashi Shimonishi, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Yuri Nishimura, Yuri Aikawa, Satoshi Yamamoto, Takashi Onaka, Nami Sakai, and Akiko Kawamura, “A Multiline Study of a High-mass Young Stellar Object in the Small Magellanic Cloud with ALMA: The Detection of Methanol Gas at 0.2 Solar Metallicity”, Astrophys. J., 862, 102, Jul. 2018
49) Bertrand Lefloch, R. Bachiller, C. Ceccarelli, J. Cernicharo, C, Codella, A. Fuente, C. Kahane, A. López-Sepulcre, M. Tafalla, C. Vastel, E. Caux, M. González-García, E. Bianchi, A. Gómez-Ruiz, J. Holdship, E. Mendoza, J. Ospina-Zamudio, L. Podio, D. Quénard, E. Roueff, N. Sakai, S. Viti, S. Yamamoto, K. Yoshida, C. Favre, T. Monfredini, H. M. Quitián-Lara, N. Marcelino, H. M. Boechat-Roberty, and S. Cabrit, “Astrochemical evolution along star formation: overview of the IRAM Large Program ASAI”, Mon Not R Astron Soc., 477, Jul. 2018
48) Aya E.Higuchi, Nami Sakai, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Ana López-Sepulcre, Kento Yoshida, Yoko Oya,Muneaki Imai, Yichen Zhang, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Bertrand Lefloch, Claudio Codella, Rafael Bachiller, Tomoya Hirota, Takeshi Sakai, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Chemical Survey Toward Young Stellar Objects in the Perseus Molecular Cloud Complex”, Astrophys. J., 236, 52, Jun. 2018
47) Elizabeth Artur de la Villarmois, Lars E. Kristensen, Jes K. Jørgensen, Edwin A. Bergin, Christian Brinch, Søren Frimann, Daniel Harsono, Nami Sakai, and Satoshi Yamamoto,” Chemistry of a Newly Detected Circumbinary Disk in Ophiuchus” Astron. Astrophys., 614, A26, Jun. 2018
46) Takeshi Sakai, Takahiro Yanagida, Kenji Furuya, Yuri Aikawa, Patricio Sanhueza, Nami Sakai, Tomoya Hirota, James M. Jackson, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “ALMA Observations of the IRDC Clump G34.43+00.24 MM3 Complex Organic and Deuterated Molecules”, Astrophys. J., 857, 35, Apr. 2018
45) Satoshi Ohashi, Patricio Sanhueza, Nami Sakai, Ryo Kandori, Minho Choi, Tomoya Hirota, Quang Nguyễn-Lu’o’ng, and Ken’ichi Tatematsu, “Gravitationally Unstable Condensations Revealed by ALMA in the TUKH122 Prestellar Core in the Orion a Cloud”, Astrophys. J., 856, 147, Apr. 2018
44) Anna Punanova, Paola Caselli, Siyi Feng, Ana Chacon-Tanarro, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Roberto Neri,Francesco Fontani, Izaskun Jimenez-Serra, Charlotte Vastel, Luca Bizzocchi, Andy Pon, Anton I. Vasyunin, Silvia Spezzano, Pierre Hily-Blant, Leonardo Testi, Serena Viti, Satoshi Yamamoto, Felipe Alves, Rafael Bachiller, Nadia Balucani, Eleonora Vianchi, Sandrine Bottinelli, Emmanuel Caux, Rumpa Choudhury, Claudio Codella, Francois Dulieu, Cecile Favte, Jonathan Holdship, Ali Jaber Al-Edhari, Claudine Kahane, Jake Laas, Bertrand LeFloch, Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, Juan Ospina- Zamudio, Yoko Oya, Jaime E. Pineda, Linda Podio, Davide Quenard, Albert Rimola, Nami Sakai, Ian R. Sims, Vianney Taquet, Patrice Theule, and Piero Ugliengo, "Seeds of Life in Space(SOLIS).III. Zooming Into the Methanol Peak of the Prestellar Core L1544, Astrophys. J., 855, 112, Mar. 2018
43) Yoko Oya, Kana Moriwaki, Shusuke Onishi, Nami Sakai, Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, Cecile Fravre, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Cecillia Ceccarelli, Bertrand Lefloch, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Chemical and Physical Picture of IRAS 16293-2422 Source B at a Subarcsecond Scale Studied with ALMA”, Astrophys. J., 854, 96, Feb. 2018
42) Yoshimasa Watanabe, Nami Sakai, Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, Takeshi Sakai, Tomoya Hirota, Sheng-Yuan Liu, Yu-Nung Su, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Discovery of Striking Difference of Molecular-Emission-Line Richness in the Potential Proto-Binary System NGC 2264 CMM3”, Astrophys. J., 847, 108, Oct. 2017
41) Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, Nami Sakai, Roberto Neri, M Imai, Yoko Oya, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Aya E. Higuchi, Yuri Aikawa, Sandrine Bottinelli, Emmanuel Caux, Tomoya Hirota, Claudine Kahane, Bertrand Lefloch, Charlotte Vastel, Yoshimasa Watanabe, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Complex Organics in IRAS4A Revisited with ALMA and PdBl: Striking Contrast between Two Neighboring Protostellar Cores”, Astron. Astrophys., 606, A121, Oct. 2017
40) Yuri Nishimura, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Nanase Harada, Takashi Shimonishi, Nami Sakai, Yuri Aikawa, Akiko Kawamura, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Molecular-Cloud-Scale Chemical Composition II. Mapping Spectral Line Survey toward W3(OH) in the 3 mm Band”, Astrophys. J., 848, 17, Oct. 2017
39) Mitsunori Araki, Shuro Takano, Nami Sakai, Satoshi Yamamoto, Takahiro Oyama, Nobuhiko Kuze, and Koichi Tsukiyama, “Long Carbon Chains in the Warm Carbon-Chain-Chemistry Source L1527: First Detection of C7H in Molecular Clouds”, Astrophys. J., 847, 51, Sept. 2017
38) Yoshimasa Watanabe, Yuri Nishimura, Nanase Harada, Nami Sakai, Takashi Shimonishi, Yuri Aikawa, Akiko Kawamura, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Molecular-Cloud-Scale Chemical Composition. I. A Mapping Spectral Line Survey toward W51 in the 3 mm Band”, Astrophys. J., 845, 116, Aug. 2017
37) Aya E. Higuchi, Aki Sato, Takashi Tsukagoshi, Nami Sakai, Kazunari Iwasaki, Munetake Momose, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Daisuke Ishihara, Sakae Watanabe, Hidehiro Kaneda, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Detection of Submillimeter-Wave [CI] Emission in Gaseous Debris Disks of 49Ceti and βPictoris”, Astrophys. J., 839, L14, Apr. 2017
36) Yoko Oya, Nami Sakai, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Aya E. Higuchi, Tomoya Hirota, Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, Takeshi Sakai, Yuri Aikawa, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Bertrand Lefloch, Emmanuel Caux, Charlotte Vastel, Claudine, Kahane, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “L483: Warm Carbon-Chain Chemistry Source Harboring Hot Corino Activity”, Astrophys. J., 837, 174, Mar. 2017
35) Mitsunori Araki, Shuro Takano, Nami Sakai, Satoshi Yamamoto, Takahiro Oyama, Nobuhiko Kuze, and Koichi Tsukiyama, “Precise Observations of the 12C/13C Ratios of HC3N in the Low-Mass Star-Forming Region L1527”, Astrophys. J., 833, 291, Dec. 2016
34) Per Bjerkeli, Jes K. Jorgensen, Edwin A. Bergin, Soren Frimann, Daniel Harsono, Steffen K. Jacobsen, Johan E. Lindberg, Magnus V. Persson, Nami Sakai, Ewine F. van Dishoeck, Ruud Visser, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Water around IRAS15398-3359 Observed with ALMA”, Astron. Astrophys., 595, A39, Nov. 2016
33) Muneaki Imai, Nami Sakai, Yoko Oya, Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Bertrand Lefloch, Emmanuel Caux, Charlotte Vastel, Claudine Kahane, Takeshi Sakai, Tomoya Hirota, Yuri Aikawa, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Discovery of a Hot Corino in the Bok Grobule B335”, Astrophys. J., 830, L37, Oct. 2016
32) Yuri Nishimura, Takashi Shimonishi, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Nami Sakai, Yuri Aikawa, Akiko Kawamura, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Spectral Line Survey toward a Molecular Cloud in IC10”, Astrophys. J., 829, 94, Oct 2016
31) Yoko Oya, Nami Sakai, Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Bertrand Lefloch, Cecile Favre, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Infalling-Rotating Motion and Associated Chemical Change in the Envelope of IRAS16293-2422 Source A Studied with ALMA”, Astrophys. J., 824, 88, Jun 2016
30) Ana Lopez-Sepulcre, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Nami Sakai, Ryuta Furuya, Osamu Saruwatari, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “The Role of SiO as a Tracer of Past Star-Formation Events: The Case of the High-Mass Protocluster NGC2264-C”, Astrophys. J., 820, 85, May 2016
29) Yoshimasa Watanabe, Nami Sakai, Kazuo Sorai, Junko Ueda, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Molecular Distribution in the Spiral Arm of M51”, Astrophys. J., 819, 144, Mar. 2016
28) Yuri Nishimura, Takashi Shimonishi, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Nami Sakai, Yuri Aikawa, Akiko Kawamura, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Spectral Line Survey toward Molecular Clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud”, Astrophys. J., 818, 161, Feb. 2016
27) Kotomi Taniguchi, Hiroyuki Ozeki, Masao Saito, Nami Sakai, Fumitaka Nakamura, Seiji Kameno, Shuro Takano, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Implication of Formation Mechanisms of HC5N in TMC-1 as Studied by 13C Isotopic Fractionation”, Astrophys. J., 817, 147, Feb. 2016
26) Yuji Ebisawa, Hiroshi Inokuma, Nami Sakai, Karl M. Menten, Hiroyuki Maezawa, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “OH 18 cm Transition as a Thermometer for Molecular Clouds”, Astrophys. J., 815, 13, Dec. 2015
25) Johan E. Lindberg, Jes K. Jørgensen, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Suzanne E. Bisschop, Nami Sakai, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Probing the Effects of External Irradiation on Low-Mass Protostars through Unbiased Line Surveys”, Astron. Astrophys., 584, 28, Dec. 2015
24) Yoshito Shimajiri, Takeshi Sakai, Yoshimi Kitamura, Takashi Tsukagoshi, Masao Saito, Fumitaka Nakamura, Munetake Momose, Shigehisa Takakuwa, Takahiro Yamaguchi, Nami Sakai, Satoshi Yamamoto, and Ryohei Kawabe, “Spectral-Line Survey at Millimeter and Submillimeter Wavelengths toward an Outflow-shocked Region, OMC 2-FIR 4”, Astrophys. J. Suppl., 221, 31, Dec. 2015
23) Yoko Oya, Nami Sakai, Bertrand Lefloch, Ana López-Sepulcre, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Cecilia Ceccarelli, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Geometric and Kinematic Structure of the Outflow/Envelope System of L1527 Revealed by Subarcsecond-Resolution Observation of CS”, Astrophys. J., 812, 59, Oct. 2015
22) Yoshimasa Watanabe, Nami Sakai, Ana López-Sepulcre, Ryuta Furuya, Takeshi Sakai, Tomoya Hirota, Sheng-Yuan Liu, Yu-Nung Su, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Spectral Line Survey toward the Young Massive Protostar NGC2264 CMM3 in the 4 mm, 3mm, and 0.8 mm Bands”, Astrophys. J., 809, 162, Aug. 2015
21) Kento Yoshida, Nami Sakai, Tomoya Tokudome, Ana López-Sepulcre, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Shuro Takano, Bertrand Lefloch, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Rafael Bachiller, Emmanuel Caux, Charlotte Vastel, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Abundance Anomaly of the 13C Isotopic Species of c-C3H2 in the Low-Mass Star Formation Region L1527”, Astrophys. J., 807, 66, Jul. 2015
20) Takeshi Sakai, Nami Sakai, Kenji Furuya, Yuri Aikawa, Tomoya Hirota, Jonathan B. Foster, Patricio Sanhueza, James M. Jackson8, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “ALMA Observations of the IRDC Clump G34.43+00.24 MM3: DNC/HNC Ratio”, Astrophys. J., 803, 70, Apr. 2015
19) Tatsuya Soma, Nami Sakai, Yoshimasa Watanabe, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Methanol in the Starless Core, Taurus Molecular Cloud-1”, Astrophys. J., 802, 74, Apr. 2015
18) Yoko Oya, Nami Sakai, Takeshi Sakai, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Tomoya Hirota, Johan E. Lindberg, Suzanne E. Bisschop, Jes K. Jørgensen, Ewine F. van Dishoeck, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “A Substellar-Mass Protostar and its Outflow of IRAS 15398-3359 Revealed by Subarcsecond-Resolution Observations of H2CO and CCH", Astrophys. J., 795, 152, Nov. 2014
17) Takahiro Yanagida, Takeshi Sakai, Tomoya Hirota, Nami Sakai, Jonathan B. Fostar, Patricio Sanhueza, James M. Jackson, Kenji Furuya, Yuri Aikawa, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “ALMA Observations of the IRDC Clump G34.43+00.24 MM3: 278 GHz Class I Methanol Masers”, Astrophys. J. Lett., 794, L10, Oct. 2014
16) Jonathan B. Fostar, Hector G. Arce, Marc Kassis, Patricio Sanhueza, James M. Jackson, Susanna C. Finn, Stella Offner, Takeshi Sakai, Nami Sakai, Satoshi Yamamoto, Andres E. Guzman, and Jill M. Rathborne, “Distributed Low-Mass Star Formation in the IRDC G34.43+00.24”, Astrophys. J., 791, 108, Aug. 2014
15) Yoshimasa Watanabe, Nami Sakai, Kazuo Sorai, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Spectral Line Survey toward the Spiral Arm of M51 in the 3 and 2 mm Bands”, Astrophys. J., 788, 4, Jun. 2014
14) Francesco Fontani, Takeshi Sakai, Kenji Furuya, Nami Sakai, Yuri Aikawa, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “DNC/HNC and N2D+/N2H+ Ratios in High Mass Star-Forming Cores”, Mon Not R Astron Soc., 440, 448-456, May 2014
13) Jes K. Jorgensen, Ruud Visser, Nami Sakai, Edwin A. Bergin, Christian Brinch, Daniel Harsono, Johan E. Lindberg, Ewine F. van Dishoeck, Satoshi Yamamoto, Suzanne E. Bisschop, and Magnus V. Persson, “A Recent Accretion Burst in the Low-Mass Protostar IRAS 15398-3359: ALMA Imaging of Its Related Chemistry”, Astrophys. J., 779, L22, Dec. 2013
12) Takeshi Sakai, Nami Sakai, Jonathan B. Foster, Patricio Sanhueza, James M. Jacson, Marc Kassis, Kenji Furuya, Yuri Aikawa, Tomoya Hirota, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “ALMA Observations of the IRDC Clump G34.43+00.24 MM3: Hot Core and Molecular Outflows”, Astrophys. J., 775, L31, Sept. 2013
11) Takahiro Yamaguchi, Shuro Takano, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Nami Sakai, Takeshi Sakai, Sheng-Yuan Liu, Yu-Nung Su, Naomi Hirano, Shigehisa Takakuwa, Yuri Aikawa, Hideko Nomura, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “The 3 mm Spectral Line Survey toward the Lynds 1157 B1 Shocked Region. I. Data”, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 64, 105, Oct. 2012
10) Takeshi Sakai, Nami Sakai, Kenji Furuya, Yuri Aikawa, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “DNC/HNC Ratio of Massive Clumps in Early Evolutionary Stages of High-Mass Star Formation”, Astrophys. J., 747, 140, Mar. 2012
9) Yoshimasa Watanabe, Nami Sakai, Johan E. Lindberg, Jes K. Jorgensen, Suzanne E. Bisschop, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “An Unbiased Spectral Line Survey toward R CrA IRS7B in the 345 GHz Window with ASTE”, Astrophys. J., 745, 126, Feb. 2012
8) Tomoya Hirota, Takeshi Sakai, Nami Sakai, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Detection of Two Carbon-Chain-Rich Cores: CB130-3 and L673-SMM4”, Astrophys. J., 736, 4, Jul. 2011
7) Takahiro Yamaguchi, Shuro Takano, Nami Sakai, Takeshi Sakai, Sheng-Yuan Liu, Yu-Nung Su, Naomi Hirano, Shigehisa Takakuwa, Yuri Aikawa, Hideko Nomura, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Detection of Phosphorus Nitride in the Lynds 1157 B1 Shocked Region”, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 63, L37-L41, Oct. 2011
6) Mika Sugimura, Takahiro Yamaguchi, Takeshi Sakai, Tomofumi Umemoto, Nami Sakai, Shuro Takano, Yuri Aikawa, Naomi Hirano, Sheng-Yuan Liu, T. J. Millar, Hideko Nomura, Yu-Nung Su, Shigehisa Takakuwa, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Early Results of the 3 mm Spectral Line Survey toward the Lynds 1157 B1 Shocked Region”, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 63, 459-472, Apr. 2011
5) Kenji Furuya, Yuri Aikawa, Nami Sakai, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Carbon Isotope and Isotopomer Fractionation in Cold Dense Cloud Cores”, Astrophys. J., 731, 38, Apr. 2011
4) Osamu Saruwatari, Nami Sakai, Sheng-Yuan Liu, Yu-Nung Su, Takeshi Sakai, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Compact Molecular Outflow from NGC 2264 CMM3: A Candidate for Very Young High-mass Protostar”, Astrophys. J., 729, 147, Mar. 2011
3) Tomoya Hirota, Nami Sakai, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Depletion of CCS in a Candidate Warm-Carbon-Chain-Chemistry Source L483”, Astrophys. J., 720, 1370-1373, Sept. 2010
2) Takeshi Sakai, Nami Sakai, Tomoya Hirota, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “A Survey of Molecular Lines toward Massive Clumps in early Evolutionary Stages of High-Mass Star Formation”, Astrophys. J., 714, 1658-1671, May 2010
1) Takeshi Sakai, Nami Sakai, Kazuhisa Kamegai, Tomoya Hirota, Nobuyuki Yamaguchi, Shoichi Shiba, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “A Molecular Line Observation toward Massive Clumps Associated with Infrared Dark Clouds”, Astrophys. J., 678, 1049-1069, May 2008
Works on Physics/Development
3) Tatsuya Shiino, Ryuta Furuya, Tatsuya Soma, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Takeshi Sakai, Ling Jiang, Hiroyuki Maezawa, Tetsuya Yamakura, Nami Sakai and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Low-Noise 1.5 THz Waveguide-Type Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixers Using Relatively Thick NbTiN Superconducting Film”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 54, 033101, Mar. 2015
2) Ling Jiang, Shoichi Shiba, Tatsuya Shiino, Ken Shimbo, Nami Sakai, Tetsuya Yamakura, Yoshihisa Irimajiri, P. G. Ananthasubramanian, Hiroyuki Maezawa, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Development of 1.5 THz waveguide NbTiN superconducting hot electron bolometer mixers”, Supercond. Sci. Technol., 23, 045025, Apr. 2010
1) Tatsuya Shiino, Shoichi Shiba, Nami Sakai, Tetsuya Yamakura, Ling Jiang, Yoshinori Uzawa, Hiroyuki Maezawa, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Improvement of the Critical Temperature of Superconducting NbTiN and NbN Thin Films Using the AlN Buffer Layer”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 23, 045004, Apr. 2010
招待講演 (国際会議) / Invited Talks (International)
38) The 14th RESCEU International Symposium 「From Large to Small Structures in the Universe」, "Protostellar disks formed in diverse chemical environments", Tokyo, Japan, 30 Oct. - 2 Nov. 2023
37) Interdisciplinary Science Conference in Okinawa (ISCO 2023) - Physics and Mathematics meet Medical Science -, “Quest to understand the origin of the Solar system”, Okinawa, Japan, 27 Feb. – 3 Mar. 2023
36) Symposium on Next Generation Astrochemistry, “Exploring Chemcial Evolution along Formation of Planetary-System by High Resolution/Sensitivity Observations”, Bunkyo-ward, Tokyo + Online, 29 Nov. – 2 Dec. 2022
35) "1001 Space Nights" Online Seminars, “Chemical History of Young Sun-like Stars: Why are we here?”, Online, 17 Oct. 2022
34) From Clouds to Planets II: The Astrochemical Link, “Challenges toward understanding chemical evolution from envelopes to disks”, Berlin, Germany + Online, 3-7 Oct. 2022
33) RESCEU summer school 2022, “Astrochemical approach to star and planet formation”, Online, 17-19, Aug. 2022
31) 36th International Symposium on Free Radicals, “How to understand the origin of interstellar- "complex" organic molecules?”, Stockholm, Sweden + Online, 5 Jul. 2022
30) コロキウム / 大阪大学 宇宙進化グループ, “Astrochemical Approach to Understand Star and Planet Formation”, Online, 11 May, 2022
31) Linking the science of large interferometers in the 2030s, “Centimeter Wave Observations Required for Astrochemistry”, online, 30 Nov. – 1 Dec. 2021
30) East Asian ALMA Science Workshop 2021, "Chemical evolution in star formation", online, 18 Feb. 2021
29) ASIAA Colloquium, “Astrochemical Approach to Star and Planet Formation”, Taipei, Taiwan, 4 Dec. 2019
28) Dynamical Methods for COld Molecular collisions, from laboratory to beyond the Earth - DYMCOM, “Observational Challenges to Understand Molecular Evolution along Star Formation”, Institut Pascal, Paris-Saclay, France, 28 Nov. 2019
27) ALMA2019: Science Results and Cross-Facility Synergies, “Chemical Diversity and Evolution toward Protoplanetary Disks”, Cagliari, Italy, 14-18 Oct. 2019
26) International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, “Toward understanding chemical evolution along protoplanetary disk formation”, Urbana, Illinois, USA, 20 Jun. 2019
25) From Stars to Planets II, “Disk Formation and Evolution toward Proto;lanetary Disks”, Gothemburg, Sweden, 17-20 Jun. 2019
24) NOEMA/30m Workshop, “Chemistry during star and planet formation”, NAOJ, Mitaka, Japan, 25 Jul. 2018
23) Astrochemistry 2018 Past, Present & Future "Physics and Chemistry of Disk Formation", Caltech, Pasadena, US, 10-14 Jul. 2018
22) The Early Phase of Star Formation, “Protostellar Disks”, Ringberg castle, Germany, 13-18 May 2018
21) ALMA Long baseline workshop, “Disk Formation: Observational Challenge”, Mielparque Kyoto, Japan, 3-5 Oct. 2017
20) International symposium on the Development of Life-Unfolding with interdisciplinary views, “Chemical History of Young Sun-like Stars: Why are we here?” University of Miyazaki, Japan, 11 Dec. 2017
19) The XXIV International Symposium on Free Radicals (ISFR2017), “Tracing chemistry toward protoplanetary disks by ALMA”, Shonan, Japan, 28 Aug. - 1 Sept. 2017
18) Protoplanetary disk formation and evolution: setting the stage for planet formation, “Barriers (centrifugal) in disk formation and chemical signatures”, Leiden, Netherlands, 24-27 Jul. 2017
17) The Gordon Conference (GRC) on the Origins of Solar Systems: Making a Habitable Planet, “Chemical Diversity in Protostellar Disks and Its Future”, Boston, US, 18-23 Jun. 2017
16) ESO Star Formation conference: Star Formation from Cores to Clusters, “Observation Overview: Pre- and Protostellar Cores”, Santiago, Chile, 5-9 Mar. 2017
15) Pioneering New Fields: Forefront of RIKEN’s Science and Beyond, “Astrochemistry: A Growing Interdisciplinary Field”, Japan, 21-22 Nov. 2016
14) Star Formation in Different Environments, “Chemical diagnostics of disk formation”, ICISE, Quy Nhon, Vietnum, 25-29 Jul. 2016
13) 6th International Workshop on Electrostatic Storage Devices, “Observational Studies on Molecular Evolution in Star and Planet Forming Regions”, Tokyo, Japan, ,8-11 Jun. 2015
12) 3rd DTA Symposium: The Origins of Planetary Systems: from the Current View to New Horizons, “Protostellar Disk Formation Traced by Chemistry”, NAOJ, Japan, 1-4 Jun. 2015
11) 6th RSC-CSJ Joint Symposium on Advanced Measurements for Chemistry, “Chemical Evolution in Star and Planet Formation”, Nihon University, Funabashi, Japan, 27 Mar. 2015
10) Revolution in Astronomy with ALMA: The 3rd Year, “Protostellar Disk Formation Traced by Chemistry”, Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan, 8-11 Dec. 2014
9) Workshop on Interstellar Matter, “Chemical Evolution of Star-Forming Cores toward Protostellar /Planetary Disks”, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 16-18 Oct. 2014
8) 247th American Chemical Society National Meeting, “New carbon-chain chemistry found in solar-type star-forming regions”, Dallas Convention Center, Dallas, US, 16-21 Mar. 2014
7) ALMA Development Workshop, “Astrochemistry in Star/Planet Forming Regions”, NAOJ, Japan, 7-8 Jul. 2013
6) New Trends in Radio Astronomy in the ALMA Era: The 30th Anniversary of Nobeyama Radio Observatory, “Chemical Diversity of Low-Mass Star-Forming Cores: Class 0 to Class I”, Hakone, Japan, 3-8 Dec. 2012
5) IAU Symposium 280: The Molecular Universe, “Observational Studies of Low-mass YSOs”, Toledo, Spain, 29 May – 3 Jun. 2011
4) Workshop on Interstellar Mattar, “Recent Progress of Carbon-Chain Chemistry in Molecular Clouds”, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, 13-15 Sep 2010
3) Early Phase of Star-formation, “Chemical Diversity of Low-Mass Star Forming Regions; Peculiar Compositions in L1527 and IRAS15398-3359”, Munich, Germany, 14-18 Jun. 2010
2) Submillimeter and THz Astrochemistry, “Distribution of Carbon-chain Molecules around Low-Mass Protostars”, Tokyo Japan, 17-18 Mar. 2010
1) Advancing Chemical Understanding through Astronomical Observations, “Chemical Composition of Low-Mass Star-Forming Regions”, Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope, WV, US, 26-29 May 2009
口頭講演(国際会議) / Contributed Talks ( Selected / International)
5) The 2023 Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting, "ALMA Chemical Surveys to Reveal Chemical Diversity in Protostellar-Disk Forming Regions", Koriyama, Japan, 7-11 Aug. 2023
3) Workshop on gaseous debris disks, “Disk Properties in a Class 0 Protostar”, RIKEN, Japan, 10-11 Oct. 2017
2) ASTE/ALMA Development Workshop 2014,” Star Formation and Astrochemical Studies in the Submillimeter and THz Bands”, Mitaka, Japan, 17-18 Jun. 2014
1) Complex Molecules in Space: Present status and prospects with ALMA, “Exploring an early stage of protostellar Evolution with complex organic molecules”, Fuglsøcentret, Denmark, 8-11 May 2006
国内招待講演(一部)/ Domestic Invited Talks (Selected)
19) 第48回 生命の起原および進化学会学術講演会, “原始太陽系環境の起源を考える:星間化学における素過程理解の重要性”, 理研横浜事業所, 2024年3月28-29日
18) 2023年度「惑星物質科学のフロンティア」研究集会, “アストロケミストリーの最近の発展について”, 東京大学宇宙線研究所, 2024年3月11日
17) 筑波シンポジウム「Origins and Evolution of the Universe, Matter and Life」, "Quest to understand the chemical origins of the Solar System", 筑波大学, 2023年9月28日
16)2022年合同素過程研究会, “星間化学観測研究で必要とされるミリ波サブミリ波分子分光データの精度と現状”, オンライン, 2022年12月21-23日
15) 三鷹ネットワーク大学企画講座 サイエンスフロントMITAKA~最先端科学を楽しむ, “太陽系は特別な存在?ー星の誕生過程から考える私たちの起源”, 三鷹市 + オンライン, 2022年11月20日
14) 日本地球惑星科学連合2022年大会, “原始惑星系円盤形成領域の化学 - 分子科学的知見の重要性 –“, 千葉市 + オンライン, 2022年5月22-27日
13) 第9回宇宙講演会,“化学の眼で見る惑星系の多様性”,オンライン,お茶の水女子大学理学部,2021年12月12日
12) 第35回天文教育研究会(2021年年会), “次世代天文学 “私たち”はなぜここにいるのか?”,オンライン,国立天文教育普及研究会, 2021年8月22-24日
11) 第2回 輝く女性研究者賞(ジュン アシダ賞)受賞記念講演会, “天文学と化学の融合で切り込む多様な惑星系の起源”, オンライン「Zoomビデオウェビナー」, 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST), 2021年3月24日
10) オンライン研究会「ALMA高周波バンドを用いた星形成研究を考える」, “Band8-10観測で探る星・惑星系形成と星間化学(Review)”, オンライン, 大阪府立大学, 2021年3月2日
9) 第32回理論懇シンポジウム「天文学・宇宙物理学の変遷と新時代の幕開」,“星形成初期における円盤形成”,国立天文台,三鷹市,2019年12月25-27日
8) 第10回MACSコロキウム,“21世紀の天文学 構造形成学から物質科学へ”,京都大学,2019年11月15日
7)日本物理学会,第74回年次大会,“分子輝線観測で探る星形成:分子雲から原始惑星系円盤へ”,九州大学 伊都キャンパス,2019年3月14-17日
6) 公開シンポジウム「新たな発見をもたらす科学における計測と予知・予測, “化学の目で見る星形成:物理・化学・天文学の融合”,学術会議 東京,2018年8月31日
5) 自然科学における階層と全体シンポジウム, “星の誕生と分子進化”, 自然科学研究機構主催, 名古屋, 2015年1月19-20日
4) 日本物理学会科学セミナー「宇宙における物質の起源と進化」, “原子・分子の誕生と星間物質”, 東京大学, 2013年8月22-23日
3) 原始惑星系円盤研究会, “A Drastic Chemical Change in Protostellar Disk Formation”, 自然科学研究機構国立天文, 国立天文台, 2013年8月19-22日
2) 地球惑星連合大会, “Chemical Diversity of Low-Mass Star Forming Regions”, 幕張, 2010年5月23-28日
1) 第9回分子分光研究会, “Chemical Variation in Low-Mass Star-Forming Regions”, 富山大学, 2009年5月15-16日
総説・学会誌論文・主な会議収録等 / Reviews, Papers (Japanese), Proceedings
8) 渡邊祥正,酒井剛,坂井南美,低温科学 第78巻 宇宙分子進化, “テラヘルツ受信機のASTE望遠鏡への搭載実験と実験室における分子分光実験”, p241-251,2020年3月24日
7) 低温科学 第78巻 宇宙分子進化, “分子雲コアの有機分子:星なしコアと原始星エンベロープ”, p219-227, 2020年3月24日
6) 日本天文学会 天文月報, “化学組成で探る原始星円盤の形成過程”, 2017年5月号
5) 日本天文学会 天文月報, “低質量原始星天体における暖かい炭素鎖化学の提唱とその進展”, 2013年12月号
4) 日本惑星科学会誌 遊星人, “化学の目で見た星形成:星形成領域の多様性”, Vol.20, 2011年
3) Nami Sakai and Satoshi Yamamoto, “Observations of Complex Molecules in Low-Mass Protostars”, The Molecular Universe, Proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 280, 43, 2011
2) Nami Sakai, Takeshi Sakai, Tomoya Hirota, and Satoshi Yamamoto, “PECULIAR CAEBON-CHAIN CHEMISTRY IN LOW-MASS STAR FORMING REGIONS”, Conditions and Impact of Star Formation, EAS Publications Series, 52, 235-238, 2011
1) 日本化学会 化学と工業, “高感度宇宙観測が拓く極限環境下での化学”, Vol.61, 2008年
その他(マスメディア紹介・一般向け記事)(一部) / Others (Outreach, Mass Media) (Selected)
20) 教育情報雑誌 Dream Navi 2022年4月号の『夢を追って』で紹介(研究・人物紹介)
19) 高校受験ガイドブック サクセス15 (2022年2月号)の『研究室にズームイン』で紹介(研究・人物紹介)
18) 科学技術振興機構(JST)の最新情報サイト『サイエンスポータル』の動画ニュース & You Tubeで紹介 2021年11月8日(研究・人物紹介)
17) NHK WORLD-Japan『The Chemistry around Young Stars: Astronomer Nami Sakai』で紹介 2021年6月22日(研究・人物紹介)
16)毎日新聞『科学の森』欄で紹介 2020年12月10日 (研究・人物紹介)
15) 大阪市立科学館情報誌 月間うちゅう 2020年6月号 Vol. 37, No.3, “アルマ望遠鏡で探る太陽系の起源―物理と化学と天文学―”, 執筆記事掲載
14) 東京化学同人 現代化学 2020年5月号No. 590, “星の誕生の物語―化学と天文学―”, 執筆記事掲載
13) 国立科学博物館情報誌milsil Focus科学者の探求心にせまる 2019年11月Vol.12 N.6 , “はるか遠くの分子雲を観測して、惑星誕生のなぞに迫る!―化学的な視点を重視した天文研究の最前線―”, 執筆記事掲載
12) ナショナルジオグラフィック“「研究室」に行ってみた” 2019年11月5日-12日連載 (研究・人物紹介)
11)日経サイエンス 第93回 フロントランナー挑む “惑星形成の謎を解き生命の起源に迫る” 2019年9月号 (研究・人物紹介)
10)科学雑誌Newton 2019年1月号 研究成果紹介(記事協力)
9) 日本科学未来館5F常設展示「フロンティアラボ」 “アルマ望遠鏡で探るみえない宇宙”, 2018年6月〜 研究・人物紹介ビデオ展示
8) 国立天文台NAOJトピックス第二弾 2018年公開(動画出演、研究成果紹介)
7) 日本経済新聞 朝刊「かがくアゴラ」のコーナー紹介 2018年11月16日(人物紹介)
6) NHK『ニュースウォッチ9 「惑星系円盤誕生における角運動量問題解決の糸口」』で紹介 2017年2月8日(研究成果紹介)
5) NHK BSプレミアム『コズミックフロント NEXT「銀河鉄道からのメッセージ 宮沢賢治の宇宙論」』 2016年10月13日(専門家の一人として出演)
4) 科学研究費NEWS 2015年度 Vol3. “原始惑星系円盤形成に伴う分子組成の劇的変化”, 執筆記事掲載
3) 朝日カルチャーセンター アルマ望遠鏡が解き明かす宇宙の謎 第4回 2014年8月30日, “アルマ望遠鏡で挑む星の誕生と星間化学” 講師
2) BSテレビ東京 Wのチカラ:ウーマノミクス #33 2014年5月15日密着ドキュメンタリー放映(人物紹介、研究成果紹介)
1) 朝日新聞 2面『ひと』欄 2010年9月18日(人物紹介、研究成果紹介)